July 11, 2023

#20 When You Want To Manifest Quickly

Yes, it’s me – I’m finally back!

I know, it’s been more than a minute since I’ve done a podcast. I’ve had some major changes in my life – but more on that in a separate podcast.

Because of those changes, there’s been a lot of uncertainty, many decisions to be made and new directions to take.

The result? I’ve wanted to manifest quickly – in a lot of areas.

So, I thought I would share in real-time with you what I’m doing, for when you too might go through a lot of upheaval in your own life.

And let’s be honest, to manifest more quickly – don’t we all want to do that, no matter what? ;-)

What I cover:

  • The 3 simple things that make all the difference that you can rinse + repeat.
  • Why getting clear on what you want is an ongoing process
  • What to always include when declaring what you want
  • How to have an ongoing conversation with the universe
  • What we’re really here to do with our lives

Plus personal examples and exactly what I’m doing in specific situations – especially around my desired new career path.

Let’s dive in.

PS My Summer Sale for Create Your Dream Year 2023 is open! We’re ½ way through 2023 and now is the ideal time to focus and recommit to your 2023 Goals.

I’ve packaged up my LIVE CYDY event in an ON-DEMAND version – with all the bells and whistles – so you can go through it at your own pace and schedule.

But act quick – it’s only available until Sunday, July 16th, 11:59 pm ET, and then disappears until 2024.

Check out all the details here.

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As a thank you, I would love to send you my 20 personal affirmations for manifesting an aligned, magical and fulfilling life. To access this freebie, send a screenshot of your review to soulcraft@carmenmarshall.com and we’ll send my favorite affirmations + mantras straight to your inbox.

Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of new episodes to the feed and this will ensure that you don’t miss any of the time-sensitive ones.  Follow now!

And lastly, please be sure to tag me @carmen_marshall on Instagram and share this episode with your community to spread the word if you enjoyed this episode – I love reading your aha’s and experience.

Resources mentioned in this episode:


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