Is your Business LIFE what you want it to be?

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 I want you to…

    • Be an incredibly successful business owner
    • Wake up every morning loving your life
    • Be excited to build your business
    • Be UBER excited that you’re an ENTREPRENEUR
    • Be wealthy – in money, time and love
    • Feel balanced, have time for self care and be vibrantly healthy
    • Be living where ever you want in the world and to have the TIME to what you love

Most importantly…I want you to have the life you really, really want. 

But it’s not without it’s pitfalls.  Being an entrepreneur takes something…in fact, it takes a lot.

As you probably know by now, I believe that being self-employed, is one of the BEST ways to create a life you love.   Being a business owner makes everything more possible because you have so much more freedom in every aspect of your life.

You can use the laws of the universe more easily. You can create anything you want.  You can work with who you want and where you want – at home or in a coffee shop.  You can design your work day.  You don’t have a ceiling on what you can make and and no one is telling you when you can take your vacation, lunch break or yoga class.  You can have CATS in your home office :)  Your quality of life is 1000x’s better just by being at the helm of your life.

My advice?  It’s worth getting really, really good at.  

Laurie Gerber, Executive & Senior Coach at HG Life Coaching (with a new TV show on A&E!), and I have designed a 4 week coaching tele-series for those of you that want to get REALLY good at being self-employed.  The course is real,  it’s whole-hearted (blending body, mind & spirit) and it’s exactly what we’ve each done in our lives as two committed, female entrepreneurs.

And it’s CRAZY inexpensive

♥ ♥ ♥

Life Coaching for the Self-Employed 4 Week Tele-series!

We designed this 4-part tele-series (meeting Thursday nights 7-8MT, 9-10ET starting Nov 7th) to take you through a basic bootcamp on being focused, motivated, brave and good with people.  We’ve included everything you need to master being an entrepreneur, including what’s so hard about being self-employed.

Here’s what we know:

  1. You are more courageous than most.
  2. You HAVE to be self-motivated.
  3. You HAVE to deal with people and it really helps if you are good at it.

To get you on track with your own business and being an uber successful entrepreneur, we’re going to cover:

  1. How to bring any dream to fulfillment
  2. How to make and keep the right promises that PULL you forward (rather then feeling PUSHED)
  3. How to articulate your purpose and get into alignment with it
  4. How to use your precious imagination to help bring you more of what you want

In just 4 weeks…

Why is it so effective so fast? 

We are leveraging expert advice, technology and the power of the community.

The community is already forming and it’s a really engaged group. (Note:  Register TODAY so you can get your “Life-Work” to get the most out of the tele-series – 5 day countdown!)

We’ll be doing written assignments between weekly calls and talking on a social network with the coaches and other participants as well.  Participation is a must for maximum benefit. You won’t be just listening and learning, you’ll be acting and changing.  That’s why we can get so much done in such a short period, at such a low cost!  Don’t worry if you have to miss a call or two, you’ll get the recordings.  If you like to listen later and re-digest, this is another perk.

I can’t recommend this teleseries more to anyone who works alone, is self-employed or wishes to be and needs some mojo.

And the timing couldn’t be better as we intentionally complete 2013 and start designing 2014.

Laurie and I can’t wait to share everything we’ve got on this tele-series.  We’ve both had some major business and life dreams come true in 2013 and we want you to be able to do the exact same thing – create a business and life that you absolutely love.

Are you ready to create what you want in your life and in your business?




Be Happy…Be Vibrant,


Carmen xo

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