My “Personal Update”

As you know, I recently sent out my annual Soul Craft Feedback Survey and one of your requests was for more personal update emails – separate from my blogs and podcast emails. So here I am with a more personal update!


I’m still soaking up the sun in beautiful, tropical Noosa, Australia, where I’ve been living full-time since Covid.

I’m in the final throes of deciding whether to pursue permanent residency here through a business visa. Australia has my heart, but the process is intense, so I’m weighing up whether I want that additional stress right now.

On a delicious note, I’m considering bringing my Nutrition Bar back-to-market with a dear friend. We’re dreaming of launching a “breakfast, snack + yummy drinks” company, which could be fun and exciting new venture.


If I decide to not go for Australian residency, I’m thinking about returning to Florida for my “western” residency and resuming life in Bali or nearby islands for my “eastern” residency. I’ll be coming back to the US in December to explore Florida’s eastern beach towns, and then head to Canada for Christmas with family. I’ll keep you posted, as I may host some dance or PD events while I’m there.


My company Soul Craft just celebrated it’s 21st b-day this year! Fun fact — for the first 10 years, it was called Create A Life You Love, until I re-branded (I still love the old name!)

This year, Soul Craft has focused more deeply on two of my passions: helping women launch and grow their dharma (purpose) businesses through Soul Pro (a deep honor to work with women in this way), and, of course, dance!

Soul Series Dance

I’ve recently created Soul Series Dance to house my dance modalities. Many of you know SoulFIT (fun, sassy choreography), but I’ve also added SoulFLOW (authentic free-flow movement) and soon, SoulSENSUAL (sensual, sexy, and oh-so-relaxing for the nervous system).

I’m literally OVER THE MOON about this expansion. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for years, and finally bringing it to life feels sooo good. Some encouragement for you too – if there’s something you’ve been wanting to do, take the leap now.

Don’t wait until you feel ready — just start, because when you start, the way appears (and remember, you will never know the how until after you’ve done it). As Dr. Robert Gilbert says, “Life is a limited-time opportunity”. We have time, but never as much time as we think — so start now, even with one step towards your dream.


As many of you know, Peter and I separated 14 months ago after 8 beautiful years together. Thankfully, we remain great friends, still co-own Sacred Lotus Love®, and talk often. I’m incredibly grateful for our continued friendship.

I’ve just dipped my toes into the dating world again, which feels very strange after 9 years! My first date last Friday was beyond lovely, and I didn’t have to get on a dating app, which frankly scares me a bit!

All good though, as I’ve been enjoying the time on my own to focus on stream-lining my businesses, doing certifications I’ve wanted to do, dancing, and figuring out where to live next.

PD + Spirituality

I’m currently in the middle of an 8-month Sensual Embodiment Dance (SED) Facilitator Training and continuing to do graduate work with Path of Love – the retreat I did earlier this year in Bali. I’m currently feeling very drawn to anything related to the body, embodiment, dance, heart connection, and grounded spirituality.

And I’m always very excited to bring what I learn into my online programs and coaching. And yes, a RETREAT is coming soon! I’m leaning towards Bali or Lombok, but if you have another location in mind, let me know

This year, I’ve also been reflecting on three powerful questions: 1) Who are you? 2) Why are you here? 3) What are you here to do in this lifetime? These questions never fail to ground me and remind me of what’s truly important.


I’ve been fortunate over the years to rarely ever get sick – thanks to a combination of good nutrition, supplementation, sleep, loving what I do, and dance! However, I’ve been dealing with a tiny bit of arthritis in my hip. It’s been a journey of learning to relax into, and embrace more of my feminine energy.

Thankfully, it’s improved significantly over the past few months. I believe 100% in our body’s ability to heal, and interestingly, since I started teaching SoulFLOW, my hip has felt much better. A great reminder that doing what we love and aligning with our purpose also brings healing.

Kitty Cats

Stormy and Snowball turn 3 in September!

They bring endless joy and laughter into my life – and are like two hot water bottles at night – lol.

One of the many great upsides of not moving to Lombok last year was being able to keep these two precious creatures.

Soul Craft Feedback Survey

I announced the winners on social media, but I realized I didn’t share it via email! Your feedback from the surveys was incredibly helpful—thank you so much for taking the time. It truly guides Soul Craft content for the next 12 months.

#1 Prize — 1×1 Coaching with Carmen ($250 Value)
Wouter Wissink, Netherlands

#2 Prize – choice of SLL Product ($50 Value)
Carrie Winstead, USA

And that’s it for now! If you have any questions or topics you’d like to hear more about, just hit reply! And tell me about you – I read every email.

And if you enjoy these more personal updates, let me know if I should continue them quarterly.

Lots of love,

Carmen xo

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From the rice fields
of Bali, the wellness spa
at Sanoviv, or the beaches
of Tulum, accompany me on
a very special adventure
this year.


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