What do you tell yourself throughout the day? 

Do you have quotes or philosophies that you use when you’re feeling stressed or want to remind yourself what’s most important to you?

Here are my personal favorites of 2012…that I tell myself ALL the time.


5 Mantras I’m in Love With:

1.  Everything has a solution. Or as Marie Forleo says in her ever-catchy way of wording things, “Everything is figure-outable”.  I adore this quote because it instantaneously calms me down and puts me in a resourceful state.   I know I can ask someone, buy a book or, my absolute favorite – I can GOOGLE it!  (and man, you can Google anything.  For FREE.  Kind of crazy…)

For me, it’s usually technology or anything with a steep learning curve that frustrates me, because I want to do everything right NOW.  But when I take a second to think the thought, “everything is figure-outable”, I then look for, and naturally find the answer.  And I feel incredibly empowered.  

For example, last week I was driving myself loopy trying to transfer my iTunes and iPhoto library to an external drive.   (And guess how long I had avoided doing it – over 5 months!!)   As my iMac slowed down to an unbearable crawl, procrastination was no longer an option.  In whooshed MF’s mantra.  I googled my question, found step-by-step instructions and ease-fully transferred both libraries.  Idiot Savant to Super Woman in just one hour.

Action Step:  What is one thing are you avoiding because you “don’t know how to do it”, or it seems too complicated?  Google it or watch a tutorial video.  I promise you’ll feel so empowered, you’ll be smiling to yourself all day, like I was :).


2.  The Universe has my back. Life supports me to succeed.  The universe is organizing itself around me to support my dreams.  This mantra (3 versions) has helped me learn to trust.  To relax, rather than push to make things happen.  To notice where there seems to be resistance and to go a different route if necessary.  Go left if I can’t seem to go right. It doesn’t mean that I’m not absolutely clear on what I want to manifest, I’m just less attached to HOW it happens and more trusting that I don’t have to do it all myself.  At 41, I’ve become interested in a more feminine way of creating that involves less pushing and more co-creation with universe. 

Action Step:  Think of a situation where there seems to be lot of resistance.  Say to yourself, “The universe has my back.  Life wants and supports me to succeed”.  How do you feel?  More relaxed?  Simply letting go and relaxing creates less resistance in your body, which in turn creates a feeling of well-being, or a state of allowing.  This allows other possibilities to show up, and makes life less tense and stressful in the meantime :). Whenever I soften, trust and allow, something BETTER, and more aligned with my soul, shows up.  


3.  Live, Love, Make a Difference

When I went through a tough relationship break up this year, I had to dig deep and re-align with what mattered to me.  What was truly meaningful for me?  What brought me joy?  Fortuitously (I love that word), I came across Brendon Burchard‘s quote – Live, Love, Matter.  I changed it slightly to Live, Love, Make a Difference…because that felt better for my own personal mantra.

This life philosophy helped me immensely in the middle of heartache, because it pulled me out of sadness and into life.  It focused me on creating new life experiences, deepening existing relationships and being excited to form new, loving friendships.  It focused me on making a difference in my business.

It’s since become my primary life mantra  – because it so simply illustrates what I want my whole life to be about.  In just 5 words.  


Action Step: Do you like this quote?  Use Brendon’s, or change it slightly to reflect your priorities.  Check out Lululemon’s and Holstee‘s Manifestos for more beautiful life philosophies.


4. Multi-tasking makes you stupid.

Ha!  Another Marie Forelo-ism,  this quote made me laugh out loud when I read it.   This was SO me before I discovered the quote on Jessica Ainscough’s Wellness Warrior blog.  Don’t ask me why I had to READ the quote before I stopped multi-tasking – it’s not as if I didn’t recognize how scattered, anxious and frantic I felt from doing 5 things at once. 

The stark truth got through.  I quit cold turkey.  And I literally repeat this mantra to myself at least once a day (I was a serious multi-tasker).  Or, if I’m feeling anxious, I check in to see if I’m multi-tasking and invariably, I am.  This quote has CHANGED my life – I’m evangelical about it.  I’m much more effective, calm and happy these days as a non-multi-tasker.  And I swear I’m smarter, or at least nicer to be around.

Action Step: For one day, stay focused on what ever you are doing until you finish it, and then switch to the next thing.  NO MULTI-TASKING.  See if it changes your mood, results and most importantly and what surprised me the most, your feeling of well-being.  

5.  BE Happy

Sometimes this is simply a choice.  Sometimes it means checking in that I am doing what I love every day (other than my business :)).  Sometimes it means being kind to myself and reminding myself that “I am enough”.   It always means keeping my life balanced, grounded, truthful and authentic.

Being responsible for my own happiness and doing things that keep  my vibration high, makes my whole life to work better – my business, my relationships…and me.  Vibration High = Life Works.

Action Plan:  What is one thing you can do right now to be happy?  Pet your cat (or get a cat – Luna, I miss you!), cuddle your man, dance wildly in your living room, tell the truth, start the thing you’ve been wanting to do for years, tell a friend something you adore about them, get outside into nature and for goodness sake, make sure you are doing what you love EVERYDAY, including your work.

Words are powerful.  What we tell ourselves throughout the day is probably one of the more important things we can consciously choose to do. 

Choose what you say to yourself.  Choose what you whisper into your own ear.  Choose how you empower, self-coach and LOVE yourself up.

Do you resonate with any of these mantras?  Do you want to use, change slightly for resonate with you?  What is your personal favorite mantra that helps you in your life?  Share below the blog…I would love to hear yours!

Be Happy…Be Vibrant…


Carmen xo

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