Episode 13 is all about how to stop procrastinating and get the important stuff done!
Do you procrastinate or never seem to get through your to-do list? Do you wish you had a magic wand that would either change you into a non-procrastinator or just get everything done for you?
Procrastination plagues us all – occasionally or consistently. It has a huge impact on how we feel, and therefore how we show up in the world – our vibration, frequency, and personal magnetism.
It’s also one of the biggest energy vampires for our life force and affects our ability to ease-fully manifest. And, in order to create a life we love, we have to take aligned, soulful action (aka get stuff done!)
In next week’s episode, I’m going to share the exact process I use to nix procrastination and get the important things done, but today’s episode is all about the energetics of procrastination and the beliefs that hold us back: Why we procrastinate, our fears + how to step into our courage.
What we cover:
I’m always most interested what’s under the hood – what’s truly running the show. This episode will help you understand procrastination, the importance of alignment, and how to recognize and re-frame your fears.
Most importantly it will help you step into the courage it takes to live a life you love – and become your own magic wand.
Let’s dive in
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