Soul Know
Pleasure + LifestyleCraving Balance?
What helps create balance in your life? A sense of grounding and center for you personally? When we do certain actions, eat certain foods, take time for ourselves, give to others, experience life in the present moment (rather than worrying about the past or the...
Bringing and Finding Joy on a Daily Basis
Ancient Egyptians believed that upon death they would be asked two questions, and their answers would determine whether they could continue their journey in the afterlife. The first question was “Did you bring joy?” The second was “Did you find joy?” What a great way...
Looking Back to Move Forward
I've learned over the years that while it can be easy to set goals for the future (2011), it's just as important to commemorate and celebrate all we did in the past (2010). I first heard of this idea from Cheryl Richardson, author of "Stand Up for Your Life," five...
The Decision Making Process
As a business and lifestyle coach, how to make "tough" decisions always comes up for my clients - in all areas of life. Decision making can be difficult because it usually involves giving up something. That's what makes it hard — there can be a sense of loss to...
Take a Nature Break!
“Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.” - Regina Brett, 90 yrs old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio What a great quote. One of my personal goals this summer is to take a nature break every day – no matter how busy I think I am. I’m...
The Law of Attraction
It works like this: “Your thoughts and beliefs lead to emotions, and these emotions drive your behavior. Ultimately, these thoughts and emotions cause their physical equivalents to manifest in your life and your body.” – Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD, Newsletter,...