Lessons from Grief, Loss + Love
Lessons from Grief, Loss + Love Grief changes everything—but so does love. As many of you know, my sweet 22-year-old niece Ashlie passed on January 1st in a tragic motorcycle accident in Koh Tao, Thailand. For the past four months, she had been living on the...
Personal Update | June 2024
Personal Update | June 2024 My “Personal Update” As you know, I recently sent out my annual Soul Craft Feedback Survey and one of your requests was for more personal update emails – separate from my blogs and podcast emails. So here I am with a more...
My “Secret Week” Ritual
My “Secret Week” Ritual My “Secret Week” Ritual It’s Secret Week!* That beautiful time between Christmas and New Year’s when things are a little slower, with less demands from our work or business, and more time for reflection and...