The Massive Benefits of USANA’s Proflavanol C 100

by Body + Health4 comments

Did you know the many benefits of USANA’s Proflavanol® C 100?

This powerful combination of Grapeseed Extract and Poly C (USANA’s highly absorbable form of Vitamin C) is one of the strongest antioxidants on the market:

It flushes your system of toxins, counteracts free radicals, builds your immune system and is a natural anti-inflammatory (great for allergies, asthma, etc.)

With winter in full swing, be sure to always have an extra Proflavanol C 100 on hand.

Massive benefits proflavanol C100

Proflavanol C 100 employs USANA’s innovative Nutritional Hybrid Technology.

This state-of-the-art approach to formula design and manufacturing features bilayer tableting: the separation of various formula ingredients into two distinct tablet layers. This form allows the grape-seed bioflavonoids and vitamin C work together to provide advanced antioxidant protection.

Here are some of my favorite ways to benefit from Proflavanol C 100 – it boosts your immune system quickly and continues to boost it over time.

For me, it’s as ‘essential’ as the USANA CellSentials or HealthPak, and BiOmega.

  1. Take at least two Proflavanol C 100 per day.  I personally take four per day – two in the am and two in the pm.  I take six when I travel, or am super busy (extra stress on the immune system). You can now get Proflavanol C 200 (equal to 2 Proflavanol C 100’s) in the customizable MyHealthPaks, or in it’s own stand alone bottle.
  2. ALWAYS have an extra bottle on hand for emergencies for if you feel a cold coming on, a scratchy throat or even just low energy.  Give to significant others, if they need it, so you don’t catch each other’s cold or flu.
  3. When you are stressed, overworked, tired, have been around sick people or feel like you’re about to come down with something, take 6 Proflavanol C 100’s per day for 2-3 days – this will boost your immune system very quickly.
  4. If you have had an overly rich meal or have drank more alcohol than usual – which of course none of my clients ever do  ;-) – take 2-3 extra Proflavanol C 100’s at night before you go to bed with a big glass of water.  This will help your body to detox more quickly and because it’s a natural anti-inflammatory, you won’t have a hangover in the morning.
  5. If you work out quite a bit — Proflavanol C 100 is also great for sore muscles and recovery.  If you’re an athlete or regular exerciser, you should be taking at least four per day.
  6. When you travel, fly, or are in different surroundings with a different routine – take six Proflavanol C 100 each day.  Again, this will help your body adjust and cope with extra stress.
  7. If you have any suffer from chronic low energy and tiredness, this is the product that can really help boost your immune system and energy levels (in addition to the CellSentials or HealthPak).
The massive benefits of USANA's proflavanol C100

In short, take at least TWO Proflavanol C 100 per day normally, FOUR if you’re an active person or feel you need more energy.  SIX during the day if you are under the weather, stressed, overworked, tired, ‘coming down with something’ or traveling, and TWO-THREE extra at night if you’ve overindulged.

As Dr. Ladd McNamara says, you can’t ‘overdose’ on Proflavanol C 100 (within reason – I’m sure you wouldn’t want to take 2 bottles at one time), but you don’t have to get too caught up in remembering exact numbers.

I’ve personally used and recommended Usana Health Sciences Supplements to all my clients for over 20 years as they guarantee potency, purity and ingredient quality, have never had a lawsuit against a product, or even a product recall in their 25 years of being in business. I trust them for myself, my family, friends and clients — for their quality and for their results.

For more information and to order any of the products above, click here to create your own free account to get 10% off retail (for one time orders) or 20% off retail (for ongoing orders).  You can edit your cart as desired, and still get the same discount using my distributor link.

If you have any questions about Proflavanol C 100 you would like to ask me directly, please email me at in**@ca************.com

Be Happy… Be Vibrant…

Carmen xo


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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