Work with Carmen
Body + HealthWho would you become if you trusted your body?
When you’re movin’ and shakin’ and learning and doing—and Soul Crafting, of course!—one of the first things to go on the back burner is your health.
It can be so darn hard to keep up with the demands of life and have time to eat well and meditate and get exercise and do the things that your body needs in order for you to continue to grow. And that’s precisely why we started the Soul Craft™ line division of health and nutrition for whole living.
Whether your body’s been feeling tired and sluggish and you’re holding onto weight you shouldn’t be, or your thoughts have been foggy and lethargic and you’re having trouble keeping up with the demands of life, I’ve got just the thing to get you started.
SexyFit™ Nutrition Challenge
Look better with every day that passes—not older. Start my ultra-rejuvenating SexyFit™ Nutrition Challenge today and reveal your healthy, vibrant, energetic, feel-good-in-your-own-skin body, simply by implementing the right combination of foods, moderate exercise, proper supplementation, and self-care.
Bonus: Many participants lose 5 pounds in 5 days—and 5-15 pounds more after 33! It’s seriously sexy, and seriously good for you.
Soul Fit™ Dance
Dance is one of the most powerful ways that you can live a more soulful, fun, fit life—without having to force yourself to exercise.
It’s one of my secret weapons for feeling great, raising my vibe, and sculpting an amazing body—one that supports you, serves you, and looks lethal in a halter top. Access my online classes wherever you live in the world and join our international dance tribe!
Whether you love dance, think you can’t dance, or cringe at exercise, you won’t want to miss my uniquely inspired, soul-shakingly fun, booty-groovin’ classes.
Soul Co. Bars
They’re good for your body—and your big ideas. Soul Co Bars were created as a way for do-gooders and hustlers to have a way to fuel their busy life on the go, one bite at a time—without the typical artificial additives that most bars on the market offer. Designed to be 100% plant-based, 100% gluten free, %100 organic and chock full of protein to help you power through the day—and give your busy schedule a run for its money—my Soul Co bars will quickly become your new partner-in-crime, no matter what big idea you’re working on.
COMING SOON! Get on the list to be the first to know!
1:1 Coaching with Carmen
If you’d like Carmen to apply her 20+ years of experience and deep wisdom to your current business, your health, or to help you craft the life you want, you may apply for a coaching slot in which Carmen will work with you on any of your big goals.
Carmen is now accepting applications for the waitlist. Given the nature of this work, space is limited and available on an application basis, but we would love to hear from you and see if it might be a good fit!

SexyFit® Nutrition Challenge
Look better with every day that passes—not older. Start my ultra-rejuvenating SexyFit® Nutrition Challenge today and reveal your healthy, vibrant, energetic, feel-good-in-your-own-skin body, simply by implementing the right combination of foods, moderate exercise, proper supplementation, and self-care.
Bonus: Many participants lose 5 pounds in 5 days—and 5-15 pounds more after 33! It’s seriously sexy, and seriously good for you.

Soul Fit™ Dance
Dance is one of the most powerful ways that you can live a more soulful, fun, fit life—without having to force yourself to exercise.
It’s one of my secret weapons for feeling great, raising my vibe, and sculpting an amazing body—one that supports you, serves you, and looks lethal in a halter top—which is why I’m proud to teach Soul Fit™ Dance wherever I’m currently living in the world.
Whether you love dance, think you can’t dance, or cringe at exercise, you won’t want to miss my uniquely inspired, soul-shakingly fun, booty-groovin’ classes.

Soul Co. Bars
They’re good for your body—and your big ideas. Soul Co Bars were created as a way for do-gooders and hustlers to have a way to fuel their busy life on the go, one bite at a time—without the typical artificial additives that most bars on the market offer. Designed to be 100% plant-based, 100% gluten free, %100 organic and chock full of protein to help you power through the day—and give your busy schedule a run for its money—my Soul Co bars will quickly become your new partner-in-crime, no matter what big idea you’re working on.
COMING SOON! Get on the list to be the first to know!

1:1 Coaching with Carmen
If you’d like Carmen to apply her 20+ years of experience and deep wisdom to your business, your health, or your lifestyle, you may apply for a coaching slot in which Carmen will work with you on any of your big goals.
Given the nature of this work, space is limited and available on an application basis, but we would love to hear from you and see if it might be a good fit!
Booked until 2018
The 5 Biggest Health Mistakes Women Make
(And How to Avoid Them)
Download this free training to learn 5 simple strategies to craft your body health, on your terms.